a compilation of my work and thoughts

Archive for May, 2010|Monthly archive page

Left Out: The Real Unemployment Rate

In middle class prose on May 3, 2010 at 8:00 am

In an economy plagued by historic unemployment and long-term joblessness, it’s probably safe to say you’ve seen them. You may even know one of them.

They are the former lawyers now forced to work part-time behind the McDonald’s food counter. They are the once successful, award-winning journalists that have been out of a job so long, they’re convinced they’ll never get back to work.

They are the “discouraged” and the “underemployed.” Other often-used terms include the “marginally attached” or “involuntary part-time.”

If you only listen to mainstream media reports, you might not realize just how many of these workers actually exist. Furthermore, just how bad the current economic situation really is. Read the rest of this entry »