a compilation of my work and thoughts

Posts Tagged ‘laid-off’

UPDATE: Losing Middle Ground: Defining what it means to live in today’s ‘middle class’

In middle class prose on April 19, 2009 at 12:47 am

Congratulations to Marina Mathews, the laid-off communications professional featured in my article “Losing Middle Ground: Defining what it means to live in today’s ‘middle class.'”

After seven months of shopping resumes, networking, and combing the web, Mathews has finally landed a job! She’s the new Marketing Communications Manager for a public relations software management company.

“A telling moment for me is when I realized that all but one of my pool of five references is out of work,” she says. “My new job opportunity could not have come at a better time since I was on my last unemployment check. I had actually started on the ’emergency’ benefits. As we say in the Baptist church, ‘He’s an ON TIME God, Yes He is!'”

You can read all about Mathews’ seven month journey, as well as get some tips on how she made it out the unemployment sinkhole, by reading her blog here.